
SubUrbanVinylGiant is an installation based upon a narrative involving the the imagined sister of the giant Goliath (of biblical fame and proportion). The sister giant attempts to escape a fate similar to her brother's through a series of astral-projection-fueled interplanetary searches for a suitable new home planet.
Each of the four astral-projections in the SubUrbanVinylGiant narrative are represented by a large sculpture of a footprint, a series of digital pigment prints, and a series both abstract and narrative motion graphics and videos, either projected or displayed on video monitors adjacent or attached to the large sculpture. With each astral-projection the giant undergoes an ordeal based upon shifts in cultural constructs such as gender-identity or changing definitions of realism in relation to abstraction. Shifts in scale in each new planetary system serve to underscore their cultural and philosophical differences.




SubUrban Vynil Giant

Joseph Herring and Amy Ruddick, Installation Still from Suburban Vinyl Giant, 2008 -present. Photograph by Vanessa Stump.

SubUrban Vynil Giant

Joseph Herring and Amy Ruddick, Animation Still from Suburban Vinyl Giant, 2008 -present.

SubUrban Vynil Giant

Joseph Herring and Amy Ruddick, Installation Still from Suburban Vinyl Giant, 2008 -present. Photograph by Vanessa Stump.

SubUrban Vynil Giant

Joseph Herring and Amy Ruddick, Animation Still from Suburban Vinyl Giant, 2008 -present.

SubUrban Vynil Giant
SubUrban Vynil Giant

Joseph Herring and Amy Ruddick, Installation Graphic from Suburban Vinyl Giant, 2008 -present.

SubUrban Vynil Giant

Joseph Herring and Amy Ruddick, Installation Graphic from Suburban Vinyl Giant, 2008 -present.